

Ø  Ebola Virus is a serious illness that originated in Africa, where there is currently an outbreak. But for people living in countries outside Africa, it continues to be a very low threat.

 What is Ebola?

What are the symptoms?
·         Fever
·         Internal bleeding
·         Muscle weakness
·         Joint and muscle pain
·         symptoms start between 2 and 21 days

Ø  Ebola is a virus, so can only live by infecting cells
Ø  Attacks the immune system
Ø  Takes over dendritic cells and then releases Ebola viruses out of the cytoplasm. Immune system cannot react while the viruses reproduce rapidly.
Ø  Causes internal bleeding
Ø  Also attacks the liver and results in organ failure
Ø  Not enough blood to reach the organs
Ø  6 out 10 people die
Ø  people can become infected when handling an infected persons blood or fluid.

Impacts on economic development
Ø  360 million dollars’ loss of GDP
Ø  reduction in output- less money people spending on tourism, mineral mining (primary industry)
o   huge costs in providing medical care for those who were effected
Ø  300 million dollars’ additional cost on medical care
Ø  fear factor- less willing to travel to Africa (80-90% damage)
effects countries that were not affected by Ebola- countries like Kenya and Tanzania which were 5.55 thousand km away

Impacts on lifestyle
Ø  hospitals are occupied fully- no spaces for the large mass of people affected- people die on the streets
Ø  Complete shortage of medical facilities, professionals and space
Ø  Waiting for days for the ambulances to arrive
Ø  Due to no help people go back to the community resulting in the disease spreading to more people
Ø  Other diseases such as cholera have similar symptoms so hard to decide who has Ebola or any other disease.
Ø  Liberia- don’t believe in Ebola, believe it’s a government scam for money – lack of belief in government

Ø  Dead people were cremated instead of buried
