Impacts of International Migration on the host and origin countries

Impacts on country of origin
Impacts on host country
Impacts on migrants
1.     Less pressure on their resources
2.     Will aim to raise standards of living back home
3.     Better living conditions for families as people send back money
4.     Migrants can return with new skills
1.     £2.5 billion was contributed to the economy annually by the immigrants.
2.     Filled a skills gap, such as in the unskilled sector.
3.     They contributed 0.5 to 1% of the UK’s economic growth in 2005 and 2006.
4.     80% of migrants are working people between ages 18 and 35-National Insurance contributions helped the UK cope with an ageing population.
5.     Migration had helped to prevent the rapid rise in oil prices from causing a damaging surge of inflation, which allowed interest rates to remain lower than they would have been.
6.     The cost of burrowing and of mortgages would be 0.5% higher if not for migrants.
7.     Increase in church attendance- Polish are mostly Catholics

1.     Earn four or five times more than in Poland
2.     Better education for children
3.     Better access to healthcare- improvement in health
4.     Earn more money to look after parents or children
5.     Improvement in living conditions

1.     Less skilled workers as they seek employment abroad
2.     Loss of employment base
3.     Imbalance in society as its mostly men who leave
4.     Many families left behind without husbands, fathers etc.
5.     People of working age move out reducing the size of the country’s potential workforce

1.     High proportion of the wages are sent back to Poland
2.     Exploitation of workers by unscrupulous employers
3.     Tensions in areas due to large scale immigration
4.     Increased pressures on education placed by children of immigrants
5.     427,000 migrant workers bring with them 36,000 dependants (spouse and children)
6.     Additional stress on the NHS
7.     Higher demand for housing leading to higher rents
8.     UK govt. facing demands for increased immigration controls
6.     Anti-Polish graffiti on the streets on a number of UK cities.

7.     Isolated incidents of abuse and attacks on migrant workers: ex. Bricks thrown at their homes

8.     Some perceived to be taking their jobs so treated with less respect.

9.     Cost of living is greater
